Acupoint pressure stimulation patch Acupoint massage patch

This product is a finished product and can be used directly. Just tear off the tape and stick it directly

Neimonofu Cute Bunny Steam Eye Mask

The appropriate vapor containing about 42℃ starts to form instantly after putting it on, and it surrounds the eyes softly

Easy Breath-Titanium alloy combined with LSR liquid silicone

鼻塞 (nasal congestion) 鼻塞马上通 ,瞬间缓解鼻塞挑战!鼻舒眠是您的理想选择,多项国际发明展金牌获得者。透过独特的物理原理,它快速、温和地打通鼻腔,马上通畅,完全不需依赖药物。无论是鼻炎、单边鼻塞,还是戴口罩闷的状况,鼻舒眠都能有效提供呼吸顺畅感受。轻薄迷你,直接撑住呼吸道的关键处──「鼻阀」,确保您全天候无阻力的自由呼吸。现在就体验鼻塞瞬间通畅的舒适感受,享受无阻碍的呼吸! ” ☀️Easy Breathe是一种专利呼吸技术,在您配带着睡眠时轻柔地打开您的内鼻阀处,增加经由鼻腔的吸入的空气量,可减少张口呼吸的情况,使睡眠品质提升。 ☀️Easy Breathe采用钛合金结合LSR液态矽胶制成,🌃睡眠期间配带在鼻腔内安全使用。 鼻舒眠影片是钛合金制成,鼻舒眠可调整到最舒适角度,撑住人类呼吸道阻力最大处鼻阀,让呼吸顺畅 产品材质:日本钛合金 加上液态矽胶 产品用途:慢跑、登山、健行、单车、睡眠、专注思考、鼻部鼻阀处窄小而鼻塞 产品效能:在登山、慢跑、单车运动时可装入鼻腔,用力吸气时鼻部不会塌陷,维持空气通畅。 使用注意事项 1.鼻舒眠为个人物品,请勿和他人共用(避免病菌感染) 2.使用中请避免碰撞到鼻子以防止受伤 3.对金属或矽胶过敏者请勿使用 4.矽胶套若有破损容易滋生病菌建议更换


Deep breathing

Promote the rhythmic increase of air volume and strengthen various funetions of the body



Easy Breath Nasal Valve Maintainer, Enjoy Breathing Easily!
The world's first "Easy Breath Nasal Valve Maintainer" allows you to enjoy smooth breathing in no time!
This revolutionary invention utilizes the elasticity of titanium alloy, which cleverly supports the "nasal valve", the point of greatest resistance in your respiratory tract.
Day or night, it gives you an unprecedented sense of relief.


Brand: BishuMian
Model: Nashumian 5.0
The material is made of the highest grade Japanese titanium alloy
LSR liquid silicone
Made in Taiwan with the highest quality
This product can be used repeatedly for a long time
Washable, silicone can withstand heat up to 220 degrees and can be sterilized with hot water


Backed by experts

All our products are manufactured in GMP-certified facilities with the highest standards in quality to ensure pure and effective products that meet the regulatory standards across the different markets in the region.

Strict control

Standardized flow production, 100% aging test of products before delivery until the program test is qualified

Service team

Professional R & D and sales team, honest hospitality, looking forward to your care


Whether we're stressed about work, dealing with relationship issues, or looking to improve our habits and set new wellness goals, we could all use some help with our mental health from time to time. Change can be difficult, and self-improvement doesn't happen overnight, but with the right mindset, the right strategies, and the right support, learning to thrive on a daily basis is attainable. No matter what you're dealing with, these resources can help you take major steps on your journey to mental wellness.




鼻塞怎麼辦?如何讓鼻塞馬上通?緩解鼻塞不舒服的方法 引言:   鼻塞是一種常見的症狀,讓人呼吸困難且不舒服。當鼻子塞住時,我們往往會選擇用嘴巴呼吸,但這樣容易增加呼吸道感染的風險。因此,舒緩鼻塞非常重要。本文...

How to Fix Nasal Congestion

How to Fix Nasal Congestion   Nasal congestion can be an annoying and uncomfortable condition that makes it dif...


缺氧對於細胞的影響與呼吸暢通的重要性   維持細胞健康:呼吸暢通的重要性   呼吸是人類生存中最基本的行為之一,它不僅提供了身體所需的氧氣,還有助於排出二氧化碳和其他有害物質。然而,當我們無法正常呼吸時,細胞...

鼻塞馬上通 耳鼻喉科醫師密技:鼻腔沖洗、鼻腔噴霧 | 鼻舒眠

鼻塞令人苦不堪言,影響日常生活。若想鼻塞馬上通,不妨參考以下專家密技。本文將深入探討鼻塞成因、症狀,並提供快速緩解不適的方法,讓您輕鬆呼吸,告別鼻塞困擾。 鼻塞馬上通的血管收縮療法 血管收縮療法是一種常見的鼻塞治療方法,主要運用收縮劑(...